Shape your reality with food🍎 and lifestyle🏃‍♂️
Health & Fitness
Online Coaching👨‍💻
English or German Monthly subscription No minimum contract term
Your benefits:
📝 Assessment of your specific situation
📐 Personalized solution tailored to your needs
📱 Communication via Messenger
🎥 Video Calls
📋 Weekly Checkups
📈 Access to your personal progress sheet

How does the coaching work?
  1. If you're interested, get in touch with me via Instagram or the contact button here on the page
  2. We discuss where you are right now, what challenges you're facing and what your goals are
  3. We agree on the terms of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, BTC, ...)
  4. You fill out my questionnaire and track your current diet and training for at least 3 days
  5. Based on your logs, we will develop guidelines in your personal myshapeguru progress chart and optimize your nutrition and training program
  6. We communicate via a messenger of your choice (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, ...), where I will be available to answer any questions you may have
  7. We review your progress on a weekly basis and make adjustments to the plan if necessary
Taking care of your:
Psyche & Depression
and more...
Who are you?
I am Michael, 30 y.o., nutritional scientist, medical nutritionist and interested in natural health.
Working on my physical and mental shape is my passion.
Food and lifestyle are the best medicine if you want to be fit and healthy.